Watertrough Childrens Alliance-
help us protect our children

FOR NOW IF YOU SEE DUST CALL the Ag Commission at (707) 565-2371

Bay Area Air Quality Management District is exempt from enforcing air quality standards for agriculture unless a grinder is present. 
The current process is under the purview of the Sonoma County Agriculture Commission ONLY. And-once a Grinder arrives onsite that work will be permitted by the BAAQMD. FOR NOW IF YOU SEE DUST CALL the Ag Commission at (707) 565-2371

See Codes Below:

Exempt Agriculture Operation Health and Safety Code 41701 and 410701.4 G & H exempt. 
Grinder on site permitted in our office-permit conditions PERP. 
Come with permit conditions.
I just learned that the current Orchard Conversion process 
underway is exempt from the jurisdiction of the Bay Area
Air Quality Management District. Their mandate is contained within the State Health and Safety code 41701 and says this: " 41700. (a) Except as otherwise provided in Section 41705, a person shall not discharge from any source whatsoever quantities of air contaminants or other material that cause injury, detriment, nuisance, ......"

H&S Code 41704. States: "Section 41701 does not apply to any of the following: ...... (g) Agricultural operations necessary for the growing of crops or raising of fowl or animals. (h) The use of other equipment in agricultural operations necessary for the growing of crops or raising of fowl or animals." 
see for entire text of codes. 
Joan McMillan
6/19/2013 02:33:43 am

This really needs to be reported to Michael Finney and Dan Noyce at A.B.C. Ch. 7 news as well as all the other T.V. media news . Please get them to report what is going on here . I truly feel the schools need to shut down if Hobbs isn't stopped for the safety and welfare of all the children attending . These schools need to be more involved in stopping Hobbs as well. Makes me wonder why they haven't yet!


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